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Monday, May 23, 2005
Divestment Watch Praises the AFT for Upholding Academic Freedom and Taking A Stance Against Stifling Ideas.
The American Federation of Teachers Calls on British Faculty Union to Reverse Boycott of Israeli Universities and Professors
From the American Federation of Teachers

May 20, 2005 CONTACT:
Jamie Horwitz

The American Federation of Teachers Calls on British Faculty Union to Reverse Boycott of Israeli Universities and Professors

Washington, D.C. — The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the largest union of college and university faculty in the United States, passed a resolution at its executive council meeting this week calling on its counterparts in the United Kingdom to reverse their vote in favor of a boycott of Haifa University and Bar-Ilan University.

“Boycotting universities and their faculty is anathema to academic freedom,” notes the AFT resolution, which calls upon the Association of University Teachers (AUT) “to reverse its position espousing a boycott of Haifa and Bar-Ilan University.”

Last month, the British faculty union voted to boycott the two Israeli universities and faculty employed by the institutions. The AUT has scheduled a special meeting on May 26 to reconsider its boycott decision.

“AFT’s action is a call for AUT to support the democratic goal of academic freedom,” said AFT president Edward J. McElroy. “Furthermore, it recognizes that boycotts of this nature, especially at this sensitive time, are counterproductive to the peace process.”

The American Federation of Teachers represents 150,000 college and university faculty and staff across the United States. The union is affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

---- Resolution-----

The Association of University Teachers (AUT) and Boycotts of Israeli Universities

WHEREAS, consistent with its long-standing position as a stalwart supporter of academic freedom:

RESOLVED, that the AFT call upon the AUT to reverse its position espousing a boycott of Haifa University and Bar-Ilam University. Boycotting universities and their faculty is anathema to academic freedom.

[Executive Council, May 2005]
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